Why Isn't Your CPA A Dentist Specialist?
In a time when you can get just about everything specialized, right down to your coffee, it’s amazing that you’re still working with a run-of-the-mill Certified Public Accountant (CPA). When you’re in a profession as specific as dentistry, you deserve a CPA who knows the industry and is there as a resource when you’re looking for advice on purchasing, expanding, or using new equipment. There are hundreds of CPAs who specialize in dentistry and are highly knowledgeable in saving and making you money.
Dental CPAs are educated in all aspects of dental industry, right down to the variances of rent or mortgages for offices in Manhattan or a small town in Louisiana. With a Dental CPA, you are given an apple-to-apples comparison rather than apples-to-bananas like a CPA who has a dentist client and a construction company as another. These specialized CPAs are able to give you information on your return on investment or how an expansion would affect your tax schedules. These are really important matters if you’re busy running your office and taking care of your patients.
Dental CPAs are able to help you become more profitable with their experience in the dental industry. You wouldn’t go to your general practitioner to have your leg amputated, so why go to a CPA who doesn’t specialize in your field? Your dental CPA can tell you when you’re spending too much money on supplies or not enough money in assistant labor. They can also help you sock away some money in case you decide to retire. You may have wondered if you should invest in CAD/CAM to lower your bills, a dental CPA will be able to give you data from their other clients, allowing you to make the best decision possible for your office.
To sum it up perfectly: you get what you pay for in the number world. If you have your brother-in-law or a non-specialized CPA doing your numbers, you’re not going to get the most out of your money, and you sure aren’t going to be getting everything you could with a dental CPA.
For more information on this topic, check out this article.
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